Richmond County Board of Education Building Program
Augusta, GA
Richmond County Board of Education Building Program
Phase V: ELOST 1¢ Sales Tax Extension (2017-2021)
In 2016, GMK was selected to provide construction program management services for the Richmond County School System associated with projects funded through an Education Local Option Sales Tax (ELOST) – Phase V 1¢ Sales Tax Extension. In association with Faithful + Gould, GMK provided management and oversight for approximately $173,00,000 (with additional contingency projects) in new construction and renovations throughout the Georgia District. This contract represents the 5th consecutive time GMK has been retained by the District spanning back more than 20 years. Specific school facilities included under
Phase V with associated approved budgets are listed on the following page.
High Schools
Academy of Richmond County (ARC) High School
Butler High School
Cross Creek High School
Davidson Fine Arts Academy
Glenn Hills High School
Hephzibah High School
A.R. Johnson Magnet School
Josey High School
Westside High School
Laney High School
Middle Schools
Langford Middle School
Elementary Schools
Bel Air K-8 Elementary School
C.T. Walker K-8 Elementary School
Garrett Elementary School
Hephzibah Elementary School
Richmond HIlls K-8 Elementary School
Terrace Manor Elementary School
Warren Road Elementary School
Wheeless Road Elementary School