Innovative Solutions
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in Design-Build
Services Design-Build
Under the Design-Build Method, GMK assumes total responsibility for project planning, design, scheduling, value engineering, cost control and construction. GMK handles all details, ensuring the project is completed on time and within budget. Under the Negotiated Method, owners benefit from GMK’s extensive computer cost and scheduling systems and value engineering.
Using the Design-Build alternative, owners find that they can reduce the amount of time and money required to transform an idea into a finished project. Project scope can be determined and budgets established through this relationship much more quickly than by conventional methods. In fact, GMK guarantees and will bond, if desired, the final price at the design-development stage of architectural and engineering drawings.
One source: project planning, design, scheduling, value engineering, cost control and construction
GMK guarantees the final price before beginning construction
Ranked #4 U.S. Healthcare Design-Build firm (Modern Healthcare, 2018)
project planning
architectural design
effective scheduling
value engineering
cost monitoring
site logistics
Client Introduction to GMK
design-build process
GMP version
project planning
architectural design
effective scheduling
value engineering
cost monitoring
site logistics